Auchtertyre | Broadford | Fort William | Gairloch | Kilchoan | Kinlochleven | Mallaig | Portree | Strontian | Ullapool

Our college is unique, instead of one single campus we have a network of college centres that provide first class learning to students across the region.

There are so many opportunities for students to progress up the educational ranks. We offer a huge variety of courses at all levels and you can begin your studies at an introductory level and work up to a higher education course of your choice. As a part of UHI, you can also study degree courses without having to leave the region.

More choice, more opportunities

Coming soon: UHI North, West and Hebrides

UHI North Highland, UHI Outer Hebrides, and UHI West Highland will become UHI North, West and Hebrides from 1st August, subject to Scottish Government Approval. Find out more on our Proposed Merger hub.