Introduction to Sculpture NQ

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Veronica Barrington

About the artist

“Rock surrounds my home in Sleat. Over the past few years, little by little, with pick and shovel, interesting geological outcrops have been revealed.”

“Now, with brush, pen and charcoal my ‘rock journey’ has widened into my observation of the trees in the landscape, especially the texture and colour of the bark, in particular the birch (Craobhan beithe). Why does the bark peel in certain varieties? My home is built on ancient rock and sits in a beautiful landscape. The opportunity is there now to explore further links from the past to the present and to the future.”

“The journey will rattle on visually.”

Nick Crutchley

About the artist

Drawing & Sculpture

“My life has been deeply affected by humankind’s environmental devastation during the Anthropocene. The Anthropocene is marked by an ever-growing industrial machine, powered by passion, enmity, and folly. Passion—hedonistic consumer desire. Enmity—indifference for the fate of all non- human species. Folly—ignorance of the consequences of our own actions.”

“If the world has schizophrenia, how to escape its delusion? Through Buddhism and art, I gained insight into how I think and feel, and have healed many delusionary selves. These works reflect my journey.”

Talla Hopper

About the artist

“I have worked with found objects from my local shore in the past, all of them man-made, but for Sculpture I wanted to work in a tactile, natural medium and chose driftwood. I was fascinated by the way the wood has eroded while in the sea and noticed that this echoes the much longer erosion of stone in the landscape.”

“I wanted to produce work that would show that the processes of nature often work harmoniously though at vastly different time scales, as opposed to human processes which can involve brutal destruction. My three pieces mirror two natural features, the veins of minerals in rock (Veins) and layers of sedimentary rock (Strata), and the third mirrors the standing stones of prehistory (Lignum). The wood has had the lightest treatment as I want the natural sculpting of erosion processes to be at the forefront of my work.”

Sami McBride

About the artist

“As a child I loved art and creating things, I had a good imagination. Working in industry and education for all my adult life I felt I had lost my inspiration. But now living in North Skye with beauty all around me; from the sea, the sky and living creatures I feel inspired.”

“My love of sea creatures and my understanding of whale watching, having a constant view of the varying blues of the sea interacting with the huge skies, I am slowly rediscovering my love of creating.”

Angela Roberts

About the artist

“I have an artist background in illustration and animation. My main focus was Stop Motion animation, puppet making and set building. I transferred these skills to sculpted celebration cakes while at home raising my three children. I took this to a competitive level and won awards internationally in cake decorating competitions.”

“Since moving to Skye, I have embraced the cold north sea and every swim leaves an impression on me. It has highly influenced my work on the course. I particularly engage with natural forms, especially seeing beauty in decay.”

Sarah Walker

About the artist

Legacy: The long-lasting impact of particular events or actions that took place in the past, or of a person’s life.”

“Over the last few months I have been exploring the idea of a legacy and what that can mean. Triggered by finding a dead fox and a sheaf of letters, the two have become intertwined. To me they convey both the fragility of life and how one action can leave an indelible mark that resonates through time.”

“In my work I have tried to convey these ideas by the development of form, surface textures, mark making and playing with materials.”

About Introduction to Sculpture NQ

Introduction to Sculpture NQ, which you can study from our Portree centre, allows you to experiment with texture and form through a variety of materials including wire, clay, plaster, recycled and found objects to create your own three-dimensional work.

All work is project based and you will be encouraged to research sculptors and artists to inspire your practice and develop your practical and theoretical knowledge and understanding of a range of sculptural techniques.