Drawing NPA

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Fiona Christie

About the artist

“My name is Fiona and I grew up in Aotearoa (NZ) in a Scottish family. I moved to Skye in 2016 after visiting various times since 2007. There is a lot of similarities to the area I grew up in.”

“This year I have chosen to focus on "Hebridean life" - from the sea that surrounds us, to our history/culture, to stones and pebbles - the shoreline foundations of our island.”

Nick Crutchley

About the artist

Drawing & Sculpture

“My life has been deeply affected by humankind’s environmental devastation during the Anthropocene. The Anthropocene is marked by an ever-growing industrial machine, powered by passion, enmity, and folly. Passion—hedonistic consumer desire. Enmity—indifference for the fate of all non- human species. Folly—ignorance of the consequences of our own actions.”

“If the world has schizophrenia, how to escape its delusion? Through Buddhism and art, I gained insight into how I think and feel, and have healed many delusionary selves. These works reflect my journey.”

Vanessa Gauld

About the artist

“I wanted to go back to my drawing practice, which I put aside throughout the past few years. My focus this year was on a sycamore tree I pass at various times every day. He gives me peace and a sense of belonging as well as a cool shade on sunny days. Capturing details of his own shadows on the winding twigs, his form and shape and his presence in a changing environment inspired me to draw, paint and collage his image.”

Angela MacLeod

About the artist

“Being a Sgianthanch, I never get bored of the amazing scenery all around me, that can change in a blink of the eye. From a young age I have been creative. Armed with pencil and paper I could be found in a quiet corner drawing peacefully. I have always felt the need to capture the essence of my surrounding.”

“I enjoy using ink pencil and charcoal to highlight the contrast and depth of my subject matter. My art is an expression of who I am and the way I see the world around me. This course has given me much more experience with different types of medium and styles that I can carry with me on my artistic journey.”

Mairi Kennedy

About the artist

“My art is a search for a way to interpret the ideas I have about myself and my island home. My inspiration and ideas constantly change and are influenced by the past, memories, land, sea, and Gaelic culture.” 

“I don't class myself as an artist yet! I'm on a journey of exploration of multi media’s though I particularly like illustration involving storytelling. I'd be just happy for the observer to like and enjoy my work on viewing it.”

Andrew Neison

About the artist

“Hello. I’m Andy/Andrew. My practise at present is about beginnings given that I’m a student and trying out different mediums and styles. As such I’m interested in the basics – colour, composition, form, mark making, perspective.”

“My inspirations are pals, fellow students, tutors, and local/visiting artists who have been kind enough to share their practice and experience with me.”

Kirsten Sierag

About the artist

“In my drawings, I always look for natural elements which I can incorporate. Recent work focused on waterfalls and wooden logs made of cut down trees - the softness of the water being a direct contrast to the hardness of the wood. I am drawn to the different shapes, the texture, the moss growing on top of it as well as the warmth it provides when on fire.”

“I particularly enjoy working with ink, charcoal, and other natural materials such as mud, grass, petals and water and quite often use my fingers and hands as I feel more connected to the subject. Based on that premise, I decided to use the wood itself to draw in various stages of use: when it is burning and when turned to ash.”

“Japanese culture and its connection to nature fascinates me, particularly its obsession with the cherry blossom (桜 sakura) during springtime. These flowers symbolise good luck and love but as they only bloom for several days they also highlight mortality, reminding us how short and precious life is.”

“Showcasing my love for these flowers through different media (movie, sound, ink, flower petals and gold lacquer) I invite you to celebrate ‘Hanami’ (cherry blossom viewing) with me.”

Hyeran Yang

About the artist

“As a Korean whose life has been closely intertwined with the sea, my work is infused with the colours, textures, and movements of sea creatures.”

“The sea is more than just a subject matter for me; it is my hometown and my muse. It has shaped my perspective and informed my creative process, leading me to explore themes of movement, fluidity, and transformation in my work.”

“Through my work, I seek to capture the essence of the sea and convey the beauty and power of this natural wonder. I use a variety of mediums and techniques to create pieces that are analytical, incorporating elements of Korean art and culture.”

About Drawing NPA

Drawing NPA is a one day per week course which offers an opportunity to explore creative and exploratory drawing techniques. It’s one of three National Progression Awards offered at our centres in Fort William, Auchtertyre and Portree.

One creative NPA is offered each year in these centres - Art & Design NPA, Drawing Skills NPA and Painting NPA. These one day per week courses allow people within the community to attend, who perhaps work part-time or who are retired, and provide an opportunity to develop skills while working within a supportive group environment.

For September 2023: Art & Design NPA will be available in Portree, Auchtertyre and Fort William. Painting NPA will also be running in Fort William.